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pixie pipika

Pridružen/-a: 17.08. 2007, 22:23 Prispevkov: 3148 Kraj: nekje
Objavljeno: Torek 11 Nov 2008 22:57 Naslov sporočila: |
Alucard je napisal/a: |
pixie je napisal/a: |
Romana je napisal/a: |
Citiram: |
tko kot za punčke obstaja katoliška verzija, da ne bojo nikol mogle met otrok, če bodo masturbirale. |
Dobr da ne obvladam metodologije znanstvenega dela, sicer bi lahko trdila, da to drži - forumske drkačice jih res nimajo  |
drkanje=samozadovoljevanje= ljubezen do samega sebe izražena s fizičnem čohanjem določenih predelov.
torej ti lahko vrnem: ženske z otroci ne ljubijo sebe.
jst priznam, da sm self centered bitch
priznam, da rada drkam. jst se ne sprenevedam, da tega ne počnem tak kot nekateri
priznam, da sm dobla večkrat izraženo željo, da bi me radi gledal pri tem. ker to dece rajca in fascinira...
priznam, da rada dooolgo spim ... therefore
priznam, da si ne želim met frocov. in to vem že dolg cajta (beri desetletja). zakaj? ker mi preprost ni do tega. in ker rada dolg spim. in ker se mi ne da ukvarjat z njimi. itd itd drkanje nima nobene veze kle.
o tem, kak otroc stanejo ... ne bova anede
a ponoviva medicinske koristi drkanja na zdravje in dobro počutje?
kakšne so medicinske koristi otrok za žensko?
finančni vidik bom tokrat spustila.  |
Baje, da je drkanje škodljivo
http://www.ismasturbationbad.com/main.htm |
par cvetk
Citiram: |
The harmful effects of masturbation include discharge of semen when u think about girl, reduction in penis size, tapering of penis in the base, reduced erection size, reduced amount of orgasm and the worst of all premature ejaculation. All of these problems are a big problems by themselves but thinking that they all are caused because of too much masturbation, i will say that masturbation is harmful. |
pixie does not have a real penis, just a silicone one
Citiram: |
You will not able to enjoy your sex life because you would not be able to hold yourself during sex. |
multipli orgazmi so hudo dobra stvar ... vsak je bolši ... hmmm
Citiram: |
The lower back of your body becomes weak also. You are not able to stand for a longer time. Your legs are weakened like wise. |
hmmm zanimivo ... pri men glih kontra. hja verjetno ker angažiram cel telo. in rit je rock solid. noge močne in čvrste, mišice dobr vidne. prsi čvrsta. ja ful škoduje
Citiram: |
Does masturbation has any effect on brain also?
Yes. Although not directly. It does affect your brain in one way or another. For example it decreases your memory power. You seem to forget things that you should remember. You become uncertain about many things. You can't remember dates and events exactly. You are not sure weather you have locked the door or not. You mind becomes a sort of uncertain. You think that you can not marry. It devastates your life. |
yeah right. možgane pač treba uporablat in ti posledično ne zakrnijo. ta s poroko je najbolši sploh glede na to, da se spomnem kaj vse sm počela ko bla stara 3 leta in guess what, že takrat mi poroka bla čist mem
Citiram: |
You think that you are not enough for a girl ( you can not satisfy a girl sexually), you start to stay away from girls but it doesn't solve your problems because they are meant for you. You want to talk to a girl but you can't talk. You can't express yourself. |
oh damnit, pixie likes guys. now what
pixie very talkative & likes do draw ... yeah right
Citiram: |
When i went home and i thought about girl and thought about checking myself ( even though i was scared because i did have that problem what would i do?). (1)I check the tip of my penis scarily and i noticed that i was leaking. (2) Then when i had looked at my penis, it had also shrunk in the base. |
1. predsemenska
2. wrong method ali to dobimo če dec čoha sam glavco. matkurja, kt da je ostal del penisa neobčutljiv adijo pamet
torej je zgleda baje to samo škodljivo za desce. cool. I don't mind that.
sevede bodo deci verjetn najdl kake z lufta razloge, da je tud za nas škodljivo, ker to za njih pomen manj češple. but I don't care. I am smiling ... the rest is irrelevant. _________________ Pixie is composed of Matter + Anti-Matter + It Doesn't Matter.
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Alucard nadpiščanec

Pridružen/-a: 11.05. 2008, 17:43 Prispevkov: 290 Kraj: Trst/Nova Gorica
Objavljeno: Sreda 12 Nov 2008 19:24 Naslov sporočila: |
pixie je napisal/a: |
par cvetk
Meni je ta najboljša:
Citiram: |
By the way do you know that girls also masturbate? Yes they do! |
No shit dumbass . _________________ "It's fair to say that the Bible contains equal amounts of fact, history, and pizza." --Penn Jillette
http://sioe.wordpress.com/ |
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pixie pipika

Pridružen/-a: 17.08. 2007, 22:23 Prispevkov: 3148 Kraj: nekje
Objavljeno: Sreda 12 Nov 2008 19:46 Naslov sporočila: |
Alucard je napisal/a: |
pixie je napisal/a: |
par cvetk
Meni je ta najboljša:
Citiram: |
By the way do you know that girls also masturbate? Yes they do! |
No shit dumbass . |
umatr tole pa spregledala
sej potem vidla še ta fact, da avtor te strani je aktivn musliman. no wonder ...
A Religious Reason - You will not get satisfaction from prayer
Citiram: |
This is what i am going through. Being a muslim, I do not get any satisfaction from prayer. I consulted my friends about it. |
_________________ Pixie is composed of Matter + Anti-Matter + It Doesn't Matter.
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set pipika

Pridružen/-a: 20.08. 2007, 13:39 Prispevkov: 2474
Objavljeno: Četrtek 13 Nov 2008 13:47 Naslov sporočila: |
Romana je napisal/a: |
Citiram: |
tko kot za punčke obstaja katoliška verzija, da ne bojo nikol mogle met otrok, če bodo masturbirale. |
Dobr da ne obvladam metodologije znanstvenega dela, sicer bi lahko trdila, da to drži - forumske drkačice jih res nimajo  |
razlika je med tem ali ne moreš ali nočeš imeti otrok. če ti to še ni noben razložil. _________________ Kdor je rojen, da se ponižno plazi, ne zna leteti.
(Pesem sokola, Gorki, Maksim, 1868-1936) |
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