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Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2007, 23:05
Prispevkov: 171

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ponedeljek 19 Maj 2008 18:45    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

exorcist je napisal/a:
Satis, Tunga je še zraven, da je "duhovna", tudi psihično manipulativna in pokroviteljska.

Ah, ti si kar misli, kakor hočeš, imaš vso pravico.
S tem, ko v vsem vidiš slabo, morda sam sebe prikrajšuješ za dobro. Kajti s tabo ne manipuliram jaz (ker se uspešno upiraš, a ne?), ampak tvoj um. hihi
Na tvojem mestu bi preverjala tudi njega. Kaj pa če te vara on in ne jaz. Kje imaš kakšno zagotovilo in kako preverjaš njega?
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Pridružen/-a: 06.09. 2007, 09:16
Prispevkov: 1337

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ponedeljek 19 Maj 2008 18:56    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

tungavidya je napisal/a:
exorcist je napisal/a:
Satis, Tunga je še zraven, da je "duhovna", tudi psihično manipulativna in pokroviteljska.

Ah, ti si kar misli, kakor hočeš, imaš vso pravico.
S tem, ko v vsem vidiš slabo, morda sam sebe prikrajšuješ za dobro. Kajti s tabo ne manipuliram jaz (ker se uspešno upiraš, a ne?), ampak tvoj um. hihi
Na tvojem mestu bi preverjala tudi njega. Kaj pa če te vara on in ne jaz. Kje imaš kakšno zagotovilo in kako preverjaš njega?

A so v tvoji sekti vsi tako vrženi na psihoanalizo sogovornikov Question

"Reka resnice teče po prekopih zmot."

- Rabindranath Tagore
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Pridružen/-a: 01.10. 2007, 20:26
Prispevkov: 2054

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ponedeljek 19 Maj 2008 19:37    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

krjavelj je napisal/a:

A so v tvoji sekti vsi tako vrženi na psihoanalizo sogovornikov Question

Kot kaže, je takih sekt kar nekaj. Exo je tudi v eni. ucen
What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
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Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2007, 23:05
Prispevkov: 171

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ponedeljek 19 Maj 2008 20:23    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

krjavelj je napisal/a:

A so v tvoji sekti vsi tako vrženi na psihoanalizo sogovornikov Question

Ne vem.
Vem pa, da me Exorcist stalno analizira. Preberi si njegove odgovore.
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Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2007, 23:05
Prispevkov: 171

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ponedeljek 19 Maj 2008 20:25    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Zwicky je napisal/a:
krjavelj je napisal/a:

A so v tvoji sekti vsi tako vrženi na psihoanalizo sogovornikov Question

Kot kaže, je takih sekt kar nekaj. Exo je tudi v eni. ucen

A res? Kako pa to, da me še ni povabil v
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Pridružen/-a: 06.09. 2007, 09:16
Prispevkov: 1337

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ponedeljek 19 Maj 2008 21:27    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

tungavidya je napisal/a:
krjavelj je napisal/a:

A so v tvoji sekti vsi tako vrženi na psihoanalizo sogovornikov Question

Ne vem.
Vem pa, da me Exorcist stalno analizira. Preberi si njegove odgovore.

Mogoče res to dela. Vendar je razlika. Exo se ne deklarira za »duhovneža«, kvečjemu za duhoviteža. Tole me nekako spominja na najine diskusije z »turbo-psihoanalitičarko« Tajo, ki se deklarira za vrhunsko poznavalko »duhovnosti«, vendar pa je njen odnos do sogovornika velikokrat tako žaljiv, da so »neduhovneži » v primerjavi z njo pravi svetniki.
In to je moja dilema, zakaj so »duhovneži« do »neduhovnežev« tako agresivni in žaljivi, je pa res da ne fizično ampak samo psihično.

"Reka resnice teče po prekopih zmot."

- Rabindranath Tagore
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Pridružen/-a: 28.09. 2007, 20:21
Prispevkov: 1827

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ponedeljek 19 Maj 2008 23:12    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

tungavidya je napisal/a:
exorcist je napisal/a:
Satis, Tunga je še zraven, da je "duhovna", tudi psihično manipulativna in pokroviteljska.

Ah, ti si kar misli, kakor hočeš, imaš vso pravico.
S tem, ko v vsem vidiš slabo, morda sam sebe prikrajšuješ za dobro. Kajti s tabo ne manipuliram jaz (ker se uspešno upiraš, a ne?), ampak tvoj um. hihi
Na tvojem mestu bi preverjala tudi njega. Kaj pa če te vara on in ne jaz. Kje imaš kakšno zagotovilo in kako preverjaš njega?

Saj vem, da resnica boli, sploh če te človek spregleda. Very Happy Wink
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Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2007, 17:00
Prispevkov: 1078

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ponedeljek 19 Maj 2008 23:18    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

exorcist je napisal/a:
tungavidya je napisal/a:
exorcist je napisal/a:
Satis, Tunga je še zraven, da je "duhovna", tudi psihično manipulativna in pokroviteljska.

Ah, ti si kar misli, kakor hočeš, imaš vso pravico.
S tem, ko v vsem vidiš slabo, morda sam sebe prikrajšuješ za dobro. Kajti s tabo ne manipuliram jaz (ker se uspešno upiraš, a ne?), ampak tvoj um. hihi
Na tvojem mestu bi preverjala tudi njega. Kaj pa če te vara on in ne jaz. Kje imaš kakšno zagotovilo in kako preverjaš njega?

Saj vem, da resnica boli, sploh če te človek spregleda. Very Happy Wink

Eni boste spregledali šele v trenutku smrti. jap
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Pridružen/-a: 06.09. 2007, 09:16
Prispevkov: 1337

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ponedeljek 19 Maj 2008 23:23    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

satis je napisal/a:

Eni boste spregledali šele v trenutku smrti. jap

Kdo to pravi Question

Jest sicer uporabljam očala, vendar vidim zelo dobro Exclamation

"Reka resnice teče po prekopih zmot."

- Rabindranath Tagore
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Pridružen/-a: 28.09. 2007, 20:21
Prispevkov: 1827

PrispevekObjavljeno: Ponedeljek 19 Maj 2008 23:35    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

krjavelj je napisal/a:
satis je napisal/a:

Eni boste spregledali šele v trenutku smrti. jap

Kdo to pravi Question

Jest sicer uporabljam očala, vendar vidim zelo dobro Exclamation

Kako mlado (krščeno) srnico še tudi, a ne? thumbsup
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Obišči avtorjevo spletno stran

Pridružen/-a: 06.09. 2007, 09:16
Prispevkov: 1337

PrispevekObjavljeno: Torek 20 Maj 2008 00:49    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

exorcist je napisal/a:
krjavelj je napisal/a:
satis je napisal/a:

Eni boste spregledali šele v trenutku smrti. jap

Kdo to pravi Question

Jest sicer uporabljam očala, vendar vidim zelo dobro Exclamation

Kako mlado (krščeno) srnico še tudi, a ne? thumbsup

absolutno Exclamation

"Reka resnice teče po prekopih zmot."

- Rabindranath Tagore
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Pridružen/-a: 06.09. 2007, 09:16
Prispevkov: 1337

PrispevekObjavljeno: Torek 20 Maj 2008 06:43    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

satis je napisal/a:

Eni boste spregledali šele v trenutku smrti. jap

Zakaj ponižuješ, da smo eni "slepci" Question Question Question Res je, da moj zapiti kolega Franc vidi bele miške, vendar to še ni noben dokaz, da te miške obstajajo Exclamation

"Reka resnice teče po prekopih zmot."

- Rabindranath Tagore
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 17.08. 2007, 22:25
Prispevkov: 3305

PrispevekObjavljeno: Torek 20 Maj 2008 15:08    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Sporočila o ideji in eksistenci sem na željo avtorice teme oddelil v novo temo:

Tukaj naj beseda teče B.Jogi......

cr mod.
Every single Jedi is now the enemy of the Republic.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2007, 17:00
Prispevkov: 1078

PrispevekObjavljeno: Torek 20 Maj 2008 22:32    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir, the temple of Vedic planetarium.
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Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2007, 17:00
Prispevkov: 1078

PrispevekObjavljeno: Nedelja 22 Jun 2008 11:13    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Radha Madhav
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Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2007, 23:05
Prispevkov: 171

PrispevekObjavljeno: Sobota 28 Jun 2008 10:23    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

jakačan je napisal/a:

4) Kakšno vlogo imajo ženske v okolju, kjer prevladuje tvoja religija? Imajo možnost polnopravnega sodelovanja, postati "svečenice" in v vseh pogledih enako kot moški sodelovati pri odločanju in doseči vse družbene in versko-hierarhične statuse, ki so na voljo moškim?

Naša religija uči, da mi nismo to telo ampak duhovne duše. Zato pri nas ne delamo nobenih razlik, v kakšnem telesu trenutno biva določena duša. Glede polnopravnega sodelovanja in hirearhične lestvice pa so edino merilo duhovne kvalitete in ne vrsta telesa.

Zato imamo v naši liniji kar nekaj žensk, ki so na tak ali drugačen način zaznamovale zgodovino gaudija vajšnavizma. Med ostalimi je ena najbolj prominentnih žensk prav gotovo žena Nitjananda Prabhuja, Jahnava Devi, ki je v naši liniji tista, ki je s svojimi dejanji praktično prikazala, da telesne barijere v vajšnavizmu ne obstajajo.
V nadaljevanju objavljam delček njenega življenjepisa:

A discussion of Nityananda Prabhu would hardly be complete without mentioning His marriage, later in life, to Jahnava Devi and her younger sister Vasudha. When Nitai returned to Bengal at Mahaprabhu's request, He decided to abandon His avadhuta status and take to the grhastha asrama. A statesman named Suryadasa Sarakhel, the brother of gopala Gauridasa Pandita, had two daughters who were great devotees; their names were Jahnava and Vasudha. As qualified girls who felt great affection for Nityananda Prabhu, they were chosen to marry Him, and He, in turn, loved them dearly. Of course, they were not ordinary devotees. According to Kavi Karnapura, the two girls were incarnations of Revati Devi and Varuni Devi respectively, who were the wives of Lord Balarama (although both girls are considered incarnations of Ananga Manjari as well).
After some time Vasudha gave birth to two children - a boy named Virabhadra (or Viracandra) and a girl named Ganga-devi. Kavi Karnapura says that Virabhadra was an incarnation of Ksirodakasayi Visnu (an expansion of Sankarsana) and that Gangadevi was the personified Ganga herself. Virabhadra, especially, became a great leader in the Vaisnava community and continued to spread the Gaudiya teachings in the mood of His distinguished father. Soon after the birth of her two divine children, Vasudha passed away, and Jahnava vowed to raise them as her own. Jahnava also adopted a boy named Ramacandra (Ramai), whom she loved more than life itself. Ramacandra's biological father was known as Caitanya Dasa, and he was extremely devoted to Jahnava Thakurani. He and his wife were unable to have children until he prayed to Ma Jahnava. His prayers bore fruit, and his wife gave birth to two sons, Ramacandra and Sacinandana. In appreciation, Caitanya Dasa gave his first-born (Ramacandra) to Jahnava to tend to her needs. This story is retold in the Nityananda-vamsavali, which quotes, as its source, the Murali-vilasa. For most of Jahnava's youth, then, she was engaged in caring for her three children.
As the years went by, Jahnava Ma developed a reputation as a superlative Vaisnavi, embodying the ideals of devotion in the Gaudiya sampradaya. She initiated her son Virabhadra as well as many other male and female members of the Vaisnava community. Major figures in Mahaprabhu's lineage took shelter at her lotus feet, and personalities like Narottama Dasa Thakura, Srinivasa Acarya, and Syamananda Prabhu accepted her as the most prominent Vaisnava in Bengal. In fact, she attended their festival in Kheturi and was given a place of honor as the most advanced personality there. On the first day of the Kheturi festival, the devotees requested Jahnava Ma to take charge of all festivities. This she did, making sure that kirtana was going on with full enthusiasm, that the deities were being worshiped with elaborate splendor, and that devotional games commemorating Krsna's pastimes were being enjoyed by the mass of participants - and there were thousands.
On the second day, with the help of the Vaisnavas, she personally cooked for the thousands of devotees in attendance, trying to serve as many as she could with her own two hands. In this way, she endeared herself to the Vaisnavas, who were sad to see her leave the festival for her pilgrimage to Vrndavana. Although Jahnava Ma journeyed to Vraja after the Kheturi festival, and this is doubtless the most famous of her extended trips, she did go to Vraja one or two times before. Her first trip was ostensibly as a student, and she spent many hours hearing the newly written works of the Gosvamis. It is said that Rupa Gosvami himself explained the literature to her at this time. Gradually, she developed a methodical plan to create solidarity between the Vaisnavas of Bengal and those of Vraja, and she accomplished this quite effectively during her few visits to the land of Krsna's pastimes. When she went there just prior to the Kheturi festival she conferred with Jiva Gosvami, and their combined plan manifested as the sankirtana party that brought Narottama, Srinivasa, and Syamananda to Bengal with the books of the Vrndavana Gosvamis.
Jahnava Ma converted Muslims to Mahaprabhu's Vaisnavism and endeared herself to the Gaudiya devotees throughout India. The Six Gosvamis treated her with the utmost respect, and Dasa Gosvami, in particular, was grateful for her association. He spent a good deal of time showing her the area of Radha-kunda, and the two of them took every opportunity to dance in ecstasy. When Jahnava Thakurani saw Rama Ghat, the area along the banks of the Yamuna where Balarama enjoyed a rasa dance of His own, her spiritual rapture knew no bounds. She had mystic visions throughout her life and received divine dictation from Nityananda Prabhu long after He left this world. Once, in a vision, she saw the Gopinatha Deity and His little Radha companion, who told her to replace the Radha Deity with one that was larger. This mission she took back with her to Bengal and finally sent the larger Deity by boat to the enthusiastic devotees waiting in Vraja. Her relationship with Gopinatha, a Deity established by her disciple, Madhu Pandita, embodies the essence of Vaisnava esoterica and cannot be described here.
At the time of Jahnava's departure from the mortal world, her beautiful manifestation as Ananga Manjari, standing in a dancing pose at Krsna's right side, was emphasized by Nityananda Prabhu's most intimate followers. This "Ananga-Kanai-Rai," the worshipable devotion of Radha's younger sister along with Radha and Krsna together, remains the focus of devotees coming in the line of Jahnava Devi. The Vamsisiksa says that Jahnava Ma left this world by merging into the form of Gopinatha in Vrndavana (although it is also said that she disappeared in Kamyavana, where the Deity, perhaps, was moved during the iconoclastic period of Muslim rule). Whatever the case, the example of her life supersedes that of her death, for in living she opened Vaisnavism up to women in a way that broke all boundaries, allowing them equal footing with men in terms of service, devotion, accomplishment and the ability to rise to the highest level of perfection.
In conclusion, it would be prudent to mention that in Ekacakra-grama, not far from Nityananda Prabhu's birthplace, there is a Krsna Deity known as Bankima Raya - a Deity that was established by Nityananda Himself. On the right side of this Deity is a Deity of Jahnava Ma and on the left is one of Sri Radha. The priests of this temple say that Nityananda Prabhu merged into the form of Bankima Raya when He was ready to leave the planet for his eternal lila in the spiritual sky. There are no other stories of Nitai's departure and so this one is generally accepted by the orthodox Vaisnava community. Be that as it may, His presence, as well as that of His personal sakti, Jahnava Thakurani, is always felt in the presence of one's own guru, for the guru is considered a living manifestation of Nityananda Prabhu's love, and His sakti is what gives a true disciple the ability to perform devotional service and to experience the bliss of devotional life.
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Pridružen/-a: 08.10. 2007, 18:14
Prispevkov: 1102

PrispevekObjavljeno: Sobota 28 Jun 2008 10:58    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

tungavidya je napisal/a:
jakačan je napisal/a:

4) Kakšno vlogo imajo ženske v okolju, kjer prevladuje tvoja religija? Imajo možnost polnopravnega sodelovanja, postati "svečenice" in v vseh pogledih enako kot moški sodelovati pri odločanju in doseči vse družbene in versko-hierarhične statuse, ki so na voljo moškim?

Naša religija uči, da mi nismo to telo ampak duhovne duše. Zato pri nas ne delamo nobenih razlik, v kakšnem telesu trenutno biva določena duša. Glede polnopravnega sodelovanja in hirearhične lestvice pa so edino merilo duhovne kvalitete in ne vrsta telesa.

Zato imamo v naši liniji kar nekaj žensk, ki so na tak ali drugačen način zaznamovale zgodovino gaudija vajšnavizma. Med ostalimi je ena najbolj prominentnih žensk prav gotovo žena Nitjananda Prabhuja, Jahnava Devi, ki je v naši liniji tista, ki je s svojimi dejanji praktično prikazala, da telesne barijere v vajšnavizmu ne obstajajo.
V nadaljevanju objavljam delček njenega življenjepisa:

A discussion of Nityananda Prabhu would hardly be complete without mentioning His marriage, later in life, to Jahnava Devi and her younger sister Vasudha. When Nitai returned to Bengal at Mahaprabhu's request, He decided to abandon His avadhuta status and take to the grhastha asrama. A statesman named Suryadasa Sarakhel, the brother of gopala Gauridasa Pandita, had two daughters who were great devotees; their names were Jahnava and Vasudha. As qualified girls who felt great affection for Nityananda Prabhu, they were chosen to marry Him, and He, in turn, loved them dearly. Of course, they were not ordinary devotees. According to Kavi Karnapura, the two girls were incarnations of Revati Devi and Varuni Devi respectively, who were the wives of Lord Balarama (although both girls are considered incarnations of Ananga Manjari as well).
After some time Vasudha gave birth to two children - a boy named Virabhadra (or Viracandra) and a girl named Ganga-devi. Kavi Karnapura says that Virabhadra was an incarnation of Ksirodakasayi Visnu (an expansion of Sankarsana) and that Gangadevi was the personified Ganga herself. Virabhadra, especially, became a great leader in the Vaisnava community and continued to spread the Gaudiya teachings in the mood of His distinguished father. Soon after the birth of her two divine children, Vasudha passed away, and Jahnava vowed to raise them as her own. Jahnava also adopted a boy named Ramacandra (Ramai), whom she loved more than life itself. Ramacandra's biological father was known as Caitanya Dasa, and he was extremely devoted to Jahnava Thakurani. He and his wife were unable to have children until he prayed to Ma Jahnava. His prayers bore fruit, and his wife gave birth to two sons, Ramacandra and Sacinandana. In appreciation, Caitanya Dasa gave his first-born (Ramacandra) to Jahnava to tend to her needs. This story is retold in the Nityananda-vamsavali, which quotes, as its source, the Murali-vilasa. For most of Jahnava's youth, then, she was engaged in caring for her three children.
As the years went by, Jahnava Ma developed a reputation as a superlative Vaisnavi, embodying the ideals of devotion in the Gaudiya sampradaya. She initiated her son Virabhadra as well as many other male and female members of the Vaisnava community. Major figures in Mahaprabhu's lineage took shelter at her lotus feet, and personalities like Narottama Dasa Thakura, Srinivasa Acarya, and Syamananda Prabhu accepted her as the most prominent Vaisnava in Bengal. In fact, she attended their festival in Kheturi and was given a place of honor as the most advanced personality there. On the first day of the Kheturi festival, the devotees requested Jahnava Ma to take charge of all festivities. This she did, making sure that kirtana was going on with full enthusiasm, that the deities were being worshiped with elaborate splendor, and that devotional games commemorating Krsna's pastimes were being enjoyed by the mass of participants - and there were thousands.
On the second day, with the help of the Vaisnavas, she personally cooked for the thousands of devotees in attendance, trying to serve as many as she could with her own two hands. In this way, she endeared herself to the Vaisnavas, who were sad to see her leave the festival for her pilgrimage to Vrndavana. Although Jahnava Ma journeyed to Vraja after the Kheturi festival, and this is doubtless the most famous of her extended trips, she did go to Vraja one or two times before. Her first trip was ostensibly as a student, and she spent many hours hearing the newly written works of the Gosvamis. It is said that Rupa Gosvami himself explained the literature to her at this time. Gradually, she developed a methodical plan to create solidarity between the Vaisnavas of Bengal and those of Vraja, and she accomplished this quite effectively during her few visits to the land of Krsna's pastimes. When she went there just prior to the Kheturi festival she conferred with Jiva Gosvami, and their combined plan manifested as the sankirtana party that brought Narottama, Srinivasa, and Syamananda to Bengal with the books of the Vrndavana Gosvamis.
Jahnava Ma converted Muslims to Mahaprabhu's Vaisnavism and endeared herself to the Gaudiya devotees throughout India. The Six Gosvamis treated her with the utmost respect, and Dasa Gosvami, in particular, was grateful for her association. He spent a good deal of time showing her the area of Radha-kunda, and the two of them took every opportunity to dance in ecstasy. When Jahnava Thakurani saw Rama Ghat, the area along the banks of the Yamuna where Balarama enjoyed a rasa dance of His own, her spiritual rapture knew no bounds. She had mystic visions throughout her life and received divine dictation from Nityananda Prabhu long after He left this world. Once, in a vision, she saw the Gopinatha Deity and His little Radha companion, who told her to replace the Radha Deity with one that was larger. This mission she took back with her to Bengal and finally sent the larger Deity by boat to the enthusiastic devotees waiting in Vraja. Her relationship with Gopinatha, a Deity established by her disciple, Madhu Pandita, embodies the essence of Vaisnava esoterica and cannot be described here.
At the time of Jahnava's departure from the mortal world, her beautiful manifestation as Ananga Manjari, standing in a dancing pose at Krsna's right side, was emphasized by Nityananda Prabhu's most intimate followers. This "Ananga-Kanai-Rai," the worshipable devotion of Radha's younger sister along with Radha and Krsna together, remains the focus of devotees coming in the line of Jahnava Devi. The Vamsisiksa says that Jahnava Ma left this world by merging into the form of Gopinatha in Vrndavana (although it is also said that she disappeared in Kamyavana, where the Deity, perhaps, was moved during the iconoclastic period of Muslim rule). Whatever the case, the example of her life supersedes that of her death, for in living she opened Vaisnavism up to women in a way that broke all boundaries, allowing them equal footing with men in terms of service, devotion, accomplishment and the ability to rise to the highest level of perfection.
In conclusion, it would be prudent to mention that in Ekacakra-grama, not far from Nityananda Prabhu's birthplace, there is a Krsna Deity known as Bankima Raya - a Deity that was established by Nityananda Himself. On the right side of this Deity is a Deity of Jahnava Ma and on the left is one of Sri Radha. The priests of this temple say that Nityananda Prabhu merged into the form of Bankima Raya when He was ready to leave the planet for his eternal lila in the spiritual sky. There are no other stories of Nitai's departure and so this one is generally accepted by the orthodox Vaisnava community. Be that as it may, His presence, as well as that of His personal sakti, Jahnava Thakurani, is always felt in the presence of one's own guru, for the guru is considered a living manifestation of Nityananda Prabhu's love, and His sakti is what gives a true disciple the ability to perform devotional service and to experience the bliss of devotional life.
Hehe, ti si pa res vzameš čas. Računam, da boš na vsa vprašanja dokončno odgovorila nekje leta 2041. Wink Mr. Green

Pa zelo lepo naprošam, da sama spišeš tisto, kar veruješ ... Se zdi res sitno branje nekih thanuranijev in prabhujev ... ko bi vendar lahko z jasno besedo in neposrednim odgovorom pokazala tisto, kar ti in s tem tvoja religija zasleduje in verjame ... Tudi z moje strani so bila namreč zelo jasna vprašanja ... Exclamation
To je Božja beseda. Bobu hvala. Mr. Green
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Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2007, 23:05
Prispevkov: 171

PrispevekObjavljeno: Sobota 28 Jun 2008 11:49    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Hehe, ti si pa res vzameš čas. Računam, da boš na vsa vprašanja dokončno odgovorila nekje leta 2041. Wink Mr. Green

Ja, si ga vzamem. In če ti česa ne bom odgovorila v tem življenju, ti bom pa še v naslednjem. Very Happy

Pa zelo lepo naprošam, da sama spišeš tisto, kar veruješ ... Se zdi res sitno branje nekih thanuranijev in prabhujev ... ko bi vendar lahko z jasno besedo in neposrednim odgovorom pokazala tisto, kar ti in s tem tvoja religija zasleduje in verjame ... Tudi z moje strani so bila namreč zelo jasna vprašanja ... Exclamation

Saj sem sama spisala v kaj verujem. Kot posvečena gaudija vajšnavska oseba verujem v gaudija vajšnavska učenja, ki pravijo, da mi nismo to telo. Spol pa je vezan na telo, a ni tko? Meni se zdi, da sem ti zelo jasno odgovorila, da pri nas razlik ni. Da pa je to res tako, sem podala še primer iz zgodovine vajšnavizma, življenjepis "ženske" v naši liniji. Tekst v modri barvi je dodatek za tiste, ki vedo o čem govorim. Jaz mislim da razumeš, da moji odgovori niso namenjeni samo tebi, ampak jih bere tudi še kakšen drug forumaš. Če se ti zdijo pa preveč zakomplicirani jih pa mirno preskoči.

Lep dan ti želim,
Tunga Vidya Dasi
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Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2007, 15:48
Prispevkov: 1076

PrispevekObjavljeno: Sobota 28 Jun 2008 13:05    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

4) Kakšno vlogo imajo ženske v okolju, kjer prevladuje tvoja religija? Imajo možnost polnopravnega sodelovanja, postati "svečenice" in v vseh pogledih enako kot moški sodelovati pri odločanju in doseči vse družbene in versko-hierarhične statuse, ki so na voljo moškim?

Mene pa jezi demokratična družba, ki še vedno dela razlike med moškimi in ženskami. Sem pred kratkim brala, da zmerno pitje alkohola za moškega pomeni 1 pivo ali 2dcl vina na dan, za ženske pa 1/2 piva ali 1 dcl vina na dan. Se počutim strašno prikrajšana, zatirana in oh in sploh onemogočena zaradi tako šovinističnega odnosa do žensk. Cool
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Pridružen/-a: 29.05. 2008, 21:19
Prispevkov: 783

PrispevekObjavljeno: Sobota 28 Jun 2008 14:18    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Hej, tole z alkoholom je čisto logična stvar, če pogledaš anatomijo ženske in moškega je jasno, da ženska zaradi drugačne anatomije(teže, količine hormonov) ne bo enakopravno pila alkohol, sa jse bo prej opijanila in naredila pizdarijo.

Podobnih primerov je povsod, ampak ženske imajo prednosti, ki jih moški ne bodo imeli:
- daljša življ doba
- reprodukcija
- čari, keš pičke hitro oskubijo bogate milijarderje Mr. Green
- večja odpornost
- manjša verjetnost, da umrejo zaradi agresivnosti in fizičnih poškodb.

Enakopravnost med spoloma bo mogoča le takrat, ko bodo ženske delale na kamnolomih, kopale jarke in počele težka in zahtevna fizična dela.

Ampak to se ne bo uresničilo, zato ker je njihova fizična struktura ne omogoča težkih del, razen težkokategoričnih žensk.

Tak je pač svet.
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